Rocky Balboa Lauro

If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram (hmmm...seems like a lot of social media all typed out) then you may already know about the new member of our family. If not, then please say hello to Rocky Balboa Lauro. He was adopted from Operation Kindness in Addison (LOOOOVE that place, same place our kitties came from). They are a no kill shelter and have never failed us when it comes to expanding our lovely family! Rocky is a Australian Shephard/Sheep Dog (maybe)/Lab (maybe) mix. He is gray and tan and adorable all over!!

We adopted him 2 weeks ago, but had to wait a few days for him to get spayed. Then, the day we were going to pick him up they called to tell us that he had Parvo. We had to wait 6 days for him to get treated. It. Was. Tragic. But thankfully he is all better now (we have a little more medicine and more vaccines are needed, but he is in good spirits and acts 100%) and we were able to bring him home last night. He was skittish and very timid at first. But as soon as Miles started to run around the house Rocky went crazy!! I'm pretty sure he thinks Miles is another puppy. All he wants to do is play with him, but he ends up nibbling his fingers and it makes Miles SO MAD. LOL!!

We took him for a walk today and I swear I said "Rocky, don't bite the baby! ROCKY, DON'T BITE THE BABY!" a thousand times.

Tonight Rocky got to meet his other brother and sister. They are GAGA over him! (Is that even a saying anymore? I just can't think of anything better to explain it.) It was so cute to see Nick running with him and imagining them running together as Rocky gets bigger.

Then when we got home it as bath time! Can you see the pleading in his eyes? Help me momma!!

All clean and snuggly!

He passed out not two seconds later. This day was just so exciting for him! He learned to potty outside! Got so many new toys! Bath! Siblings! We've gotten a lot of head shakes and comments about having a puppy in a loft. And for getting a puppy period. "Don't you know how much work it's going to be?" "You do know you live in a loft!" "What are you going to do when he has an accident?" "You guys are crazy!"

But I dare you to see this picture and then tell me we were wrong to rescue him! (Don't actually tell me that please, it was a rhetorical statement! :))


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