Longest Weekend Ever

Whew.  I am finally sitting down.  After what feels like the longest weekend ever. 

My aunt Judy passed away 2 weeks ago, and they had her funeral 3 days ago in Albuquerque, NM.  Our plan was to drive over for the funeral and then drive back with my parents so they could visit for a few weeks.  I figured it would be a good distraction for my mom, who just lost her sister, to be around the kids. 

So we packed up the car, loaded the dog, all our stuff - set off -- and our car started making a weird noise and alarms were going off every few seconds.  Well, being the GENIUS car person that I am - I suggested to my husband (who's on a business call with his boss) to just turn the car off and on again at this stop light 4 blocks from our house. 

If I could, I'd go back in time and smack me upside the head.  Because then this happened. 

Good times. Land Rover of Frisco wanted to charge us more than our mortgage payment to fix it.  So we hot-wired it back home and cried.  Well, I did.  I really wanted to say goodbye to my aunt and bring my parents home with us. 

So my sweet hubby decided we would just take our other (SMALLER) car and figure things out.  So, 4 am Saturday morning we were off.  14 hours later we pulled into Farmington. 

I love being home with my family, but this trip was short and bittersweet.  We tried to make the most of it.  We shopped and ate and drank lots of wine!  The kids played and played!

Then Monday morning we were off again at 6 am for Albq. and the funeral.  My parents agreed to come along in their car and then I'd just drive them home in a few weeks and fly back. 

We got to say goodbye to my sweet mean auntie.  She was tough as nails, but I will miss her. 

Then we got to spend some time with some of my cousins.

After an appointment for my dad, we finally hit the road around 4 pm.  But by 8 pm, I was already exhausted.  The day had been long and emotional and I was so not gonna make it another 9 hours. So we stopped at a lovely cheap hotel in Amarillo.  Our room came with popcorn!  On the floor.  All over.  Fun.

But we slept in late and got a fresh start on the trip the next morning.  And for some reason that trip from Amarillo to Frisco took approx. 76 hours.  We.Just.Kept.Stopping. 

We finally rolled into Frisco around 5 pm and just crashed.  Haha!  I wish!  We had to unload, unpack, feed and entertain the kids.  AND take our broken car to the shop. 

Then my poor husband had to wake up at 4 am this morning to travel to Canada for work. 

Whew.  Poor guy. 

So today is full of dance classes for the kids, errands and grocery shopping.  AND I forgot the dog food, so we have to go back to the grocery store. 

And we've got school work to catch up on, homeschool Halloween parties to go to, and a house to sell. 

Life, it just keeps on moving on. 

RIP Aunt Judy.  We will miss you. 


  1. The popcorn made me laugh out loud. Sorry it was such a mess but it is all about the memories :)


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