I'm Just Gonna Leave This Right Here

More on the subject of teaching kids to read at such young ages.  This article is awesome!  Touching on what kindergarten looks like in America with Common Core and comparing it to Finland. 

The Joyful, Illiterate Kindergartners of Finland

Let kindergartners play! 

Some highlights --

Finnish schools have received substantial media attention for years now—largely because of the consistently strong performance of its 15-year-olds on international tests like the PISA.

 [Children] learn so well through play. They don’t even realize that they are learning because they’re so interested.

When children play, Osei Ntiamoah continued, they’re developing their language, math, and social-interaction skills.

Those things you learn without joy you will forget easily.

Nowadays, Finnish teachers are free to teach reading if they determine a child is “willing and interested” to learn.

But there isn’t any solid evidence that shows that children who are taught to read in kindergarten have any long-term benefit from it.

Ok... just go read it!  It's all good!  


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