Ooops I've Done It Again

Sooo... I've officially made the switch from SAHM (stay at home mom) to Working Mom once again. But this time things are MUCH different!!

  • For one - I'm doing something fun, that I love, and working for a great friend! Actually I'm so excited about it that I'm afraid to talk about because I don't want to jinx it. But since jinxes aren't real, here goes -- I've become a Pilates Instructor at Ultimate Pilates in Plano and yesterday was the studios first official day open! I taught my first Pilates class to paying customers!! It didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped, but it was a decent start! And the customers sweated and loved the class, so - THAT'S good!

  • Second - (and maybe most importantly) - it's only part time!! The one thing I hated most about working was being away from Miles for almost 10 hours a day. I prayed for something part time, and I could not be more grateful for this awesome opportunity!

  • Third - One of my dearest friends is watching Miles for me and he couldn't happier every single day when I drop him off. He seriously LOVES Lyndsay and her boys and Lynds loves Miles so much! I couldn't ask for a better place for Miles to spend his mornings than playing with Lyndsay and two boys!!

  • Fourth - Did I mention that I'm teaching the hardest Pilates workout I've ever done? 'Cause it's so awesome!! I've just finished 2 weeks of insane practicing and working out every single day - sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. And holy geez louise, my butt, abs, arms and legs are getting SO impressively strong! I've slowed down considerably (which is good because that level of working out isn't good for anyone) but I'm still working out every other day and starting to feel like I might brave a bikini at the pool soon!!

Needless to say things have been pretty busy here lately. Add to that the fact that Nick and Izzy are with us for an entire month and I haven't had much time to blog lately. I miss writing all the fun things Miles and I get to do, but I'm hoping that once we find our grove things will calm down a bit and I can get back into it!

In the meantime -- here are a few fun pic to catch this blog up to speed on our crazy summer!


  1. I LOVE watching your sweet boy! It is so nice having a toddler in the house now that my boys are so big! Plus he is sooo cuddly!!!!!!! Love him!


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