Natalie Would Like A Butler

Today we saw a van with a guy carrying a tray with shoes on it that said Butler Catering.  Natalie was so confused why people would be eating shoes and giggled for a full minute. 

Then the kids wanted to know what a butler was.  I explained that, for a lot of money, a butler lives in your house, serves you food, cleans, opens doors and much more.  And now Natalie would like a butler.

So would I kid.  Also, *I* am your butler, so where's my money?

In other news we went to story time at an adorable book store and then lunch at Arepas where the kids played while we ate and drank sangria and that was the calm before the storm. 

Because Rocky was apparently at home licking a hot spot into his back that is now infected.  We took him to the vet, where they gave him some medicine and a cone of shame. 

But - you should have seen his face when we got home and he couldn't eat or drink.  He just came up to me with his ears down and his tail down and sat and basically begged me to take the thing off of him.  I had to!  He was so sad!

I'm watching him to make sure he doesn't lick it and we'll put the cone back on if we need to leave or maybe at bedtime. 

Oh these dogs are gonna drive me to drink. 

Just kidding... I was gonna drink anyway... 

Cheers to a long day and no more cones of shame!


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