Happy Birthday to me!

First of all - thanks to everyone who offered advice and an opinion about my daycare debacle. To those of you who voted that the teacher is right and I should make him stop touching his belly button now - I'd love to hear your thoughts and reasons behind it. Really I would. If I'm being crazy I, I'd like to know it! Most of the time. :)

Anyway - I haven't gotten a chance to talk to his teacher yet because all weekend Miles had a fever and woke up feverish and coughing again yesterday. He's doing better today, but still coughing up a storm. And since Tony has the week off, he is staying home with him to let him rest and get 100%.

So, for my birthday I'm putting off any and all confrontation! And instead I'm making a French Dip and Sangria off my Pinterest board and enjoying the calm before the storm that is Thanksgiving Dinner.

I've been prepping for Turkey day and just the prep work alone is more work than I imagined! Thankfully this Cleanse we just finished got me used to spending time in the kitchen!

Speaking of the Cleanse (nice segway, huh?) we are finally finished!! 21 days! They were not kidding about 21 days making a habit, though. I love being in the kitchen now, reading a recipe is no longer like reading French to me. And Tony and I are definitely making healthier choices when it comes to food. Most of the time. Yesterday I almost finished a bag of dark chocolate covered pretzels. Totally worth it.

Tony ended up loosing 20 pounds and I lost 8! There were 2 pants that I was struggling to fit into before this cleanse - and they now slip on like a glove! So, in the end - totally worth it!

In other news - it's my birthday today!! (Have I mentioned that yet? I feel like maybe I have! :)) For my birthday I'd like a magic cleaning fairy for my loft. A magical foot rubbing fairy. And (another) magical bag of chocolate covered pretzels!

I guess I'll just have to settle for my new Note 2 that Tony bought me over the weekend!!!

And cuddle time with this cutie!


  1. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! I hope Miles gets back to 100% again soon! And congrats on the 8 pounds! That is awesome!


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